

How long have you worked in the insurance industry and why are you doing this?

My idea to start my own insurance business was born in 2012 – at that time I worked as an agent and was an insurance consultant to some of the leading insurance companies on the market. However, I wanted to do something that really gives me pleasure and help people take care of their financial health. I started the insurance broker in October 2012 – from scratch. After starting my business, I was not able to attract enough customers. I was rejected by many people, and I did not want to become an annoying salesman. I had volatile income, I was often disappointed that I was not developing fast enough. I knew I would succeed, but I didn’t know how. I was very motivated and did not compromise with the quality of the work, I always tried to be better and better in what I do. I enrolled in every course and seminar that came to my attention, I kept looking and reading because I knew I could do it. I invested heavily in business development, as well as in education to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The results were not late and if a year ago a BGN 1 million premium was a dream, two years later it was already a fact. I couldn’t believe at that time, but the business grew by over 120% in 2015 and my already 7-digit business continued to grow after that – by another 50% in 2016. Many of my clients started giving me feedback about the quality of the service we provide, and that motivateded me even more. I am happy when I can give the client a solution that is tailored to his needs, and thus protect him from financial losses if an adverse event occurs.

The main thing that these results give is the approach of several strategic steps, which we in the team of Netins Brokers have built over the years and are constantly improving in the process of working with clients.

This is how we created our system – NOPR™, which helps our client in the decision-making process and gives him full clarity about what risks he is insured for, his responsibilities and scope of coverage, etc.

Now at the broker we are dedicated to helping as many clients as possible to be protected: to take care of the most valuable – their health, their business and their capital, and last but not least we give added value to our customers through excellent service.

Who are your customers?

We work mainly with small and medium business owners who are in the construction industry and participate in public procurements, medical centers and hospitals, IT companies, transport and logistics companies, schools, as well as individuals, families, well-educated, if possible, with their own business and good financial culture, aged about 35-45, helping them reduce administrative costs and protect their assets and capital.

What would you do if you have never worked with clients in my industry before?

As an insurance broker, our focus in working with everyone is in two main directions:

1.) to increase the insurance literacy in our clients through constant, clear messages to them and to discuss what are the benefits and advantages of insurance and why it is the basis of financial freedom.

2.) the customer to reduce administrative costs and save on taxes by choosing products tailored to his needs. The client to understand how to be protected by managing the risk with the right insurance products, coverage and limits.

So, no matter what industry your business is in, we will teach you these strategies step by step and work together to build safety and financial protection.

What sets you apart from the rest?

Unlike most insurance brokers, our focus is on your results. That is why we learn strategies from the best business consultants, financial specialists, and experts in general and life insurance. Thanks to the fact that we apply most of the things to us, we test hundreds of approaches, and we know which of them under what conditions give results. We have also improved our skills to successfully handling meetings with customers so that we can understand for which risks it is necessary to take out insurance and under what conditions. My strength is in being focused, disciplined and I always strive to get the most from available resources.

Who is your service not for?

We carefully choose the customers we work with, working only with those who are committed to achieving results. Without exception, we do not work with people who are constantly looking for the lowest insurance premium and/or big discounts, or who are constantly questioning absolutely everything in our business.

The results of the insurance quickly pay off the investment made to each of our clients and to find out more about the market opportunities and benefits of insurance, I recommend you do the following: Sign up every time for all our free educational webinars and trainings – you can learn a lot from them. Follow everything we publish in the monthly newsletter (register here to receive it regularly).

What is your approach to working with customer?

The main focus in our work is to achieve results for our customers by helping them to protect their assets and capital with the most relevant insurance policy for them. All this thanks to our NOPR system, which helps us identify customer needs and provide an individual solution. We can offer creative solutions and best practices that you can apply to your situation. So, you may find that there are more elements of consultative selling than transactional one in our approach.

And there is a reason for that.

When I started, I invested in a lot of training, I learned a lot, but I had a hard time applying what I was learning. And then I couldn’t find anyone to tell me exactly what to do, how to handle the meeting, the follow-up process, and so on. That’s why we created a system in a way that provides all this.

In the broker we work on:

  1. Identifying the customer’s demands and needs, and much them to available products.
  2. Presentation skills of insurance product and outlining the advantages and benefits.
  3. Providing fair analysis of the market.
  4. Follow-up process.
  5. Offering ongoing management of the customer account, etc.

These directions are part of our customer service system.

Does your approach work?

Yes. You can also see testimonials of some of our customers by visiting this page.

What results can I expect?

First of all, I can say that you will have a properly concluded policy that fully meets your needs at the moment. Risks and coverage will be tailored to cover financial losses if an insured event occurs. You will receive follow-up communication and full support in choosing an insurance policy and you will be fully assisted if an insurance event occurs, thus you will have safety and confidence that you are fully protected.

Can I contact your clients to find out from them what it is like to work with you?

Absolutely. I encourage you to read all the reviews of our customers here. And then you can email those of them who you want to ask for additional feedback to find out what they have gained from working with us.

How can I be sure that I will get the right insurance for me?

The work process we adhere to and the experience and knowledge we constantly accumulate help us to provide impartial solutions to the client. The clients we work with have achieved significant results in a much shorter time than if they had researched the options on the market to insure themselves, because we save them a lot of valuable time and money.


Is it valuable for me to work with you as an insurance broker?

Absolutely yes! The money and time saved by working with us is just the beginning, because the true meaning of insurance is seen when an event occurs that can cause you to suffer financial losses that could be disastrous to you and your business.

I want to work with you. What are the options I have?

Congratulations on deciding to move towards greater security and protection. I will be happy to work with you. You can contact us by requesting an appointment HERE.

OK, I know what insurance I want. How to start?

Great! One of the distinguishing differences of successful people is that they make decisions quickly. This skill leads them to achieve results much faster than others. It is known that most of these people make their decisions with courage based mostly on their intuition. So, if you feel that working with us is for you and will bring you results, act!


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